Windows Phones (7.8 and 8) both Wi-Fi vulnerable and cannot be patched!
Microsoft released a security bulletin on how its Wireless Authentication method could allow information disclosure. Their fix for this also leaves a bad taste in the mouth, essential require every wireless access point to issue a certificate before you can use it. Essentially, connecting to any wireless device you can find is bad security, but how do you know you’re connecting to even a valid wireless device? If you end up on a system that’s been designed to grab what data you send, even if encrypted, this exploit will be able to strip your domain credentials out of the wireless transmissions sent. You’re giving whoever cares to listen access to your accounts on the network. Do you have a Windows 8 phone, do you need assistance making sure this isn’t hurting your network? Ask us for help!

Stop fixing every exploit!
B-Sides Security has a presentation on their blog going into a statistical analysis of over 23 million live vulnerabilities across over 1 million real assets. During one month, June-July 2013, 1.5 million real breaches occurred and correlated to only 103 CVEs. (Common Vulnarabilities and Exposures) Essentially, they make the argument that we are running a continuously growing database, which puts more strain on our environments, to cater to very few actually used vulnerabilities. This means vendors have to keep up with a constantly changing database, and there is only a finite amount they can do. This is where vulnerability testing and internal security measures and practices have to come into play. Confusing? Let us help! We can help keep your business running and minimize intrusions and down time.

Lost Your Android Phone? Have Google Find It!
One feature that Android has officially been missing, unlike its iPhone competition with Where's my Phone?, is a way to locate your phone if it goes missing. Yes, there has been plenty of third party apps, such as "Where's My Droid?" but none of them have the reliability that would be present with an official Google service. According to a post over on the Android blog, that's now changing. Google will be pushing this update to all Android 2.2 users and above by the end of August. Contact us for more help with mobile apps!

Windows 8 Passes Vista Numbers at Last!
According to, Windows 8 has finally surpassed Windows Vista to become the third most used operating system online. With the Microsoft deadline to phase out Windows XP support looming in April of 2014, and XP showing as the 2nd most used OS, many companies are looking to shed the very outdated OS. Ask us how to help you get your business transitioned to Windows 8 smoothly!

Computing on the go
Looking to make a transition to mobile devices and not really sure which way to go? Apple, Android, Microsoft, which device and software may work for you? You may want to steer clear for now, from the Windows RT based tablets as mentioned in this article from a major Windows RT manufacturer, ASUS. Due to lack of sales, software development is almost nil for the RT platform, though, with rumored short sales coming from Microsoft and others, it may get a second life breathed into it similar what HP pulled when it discontinued the Touchpad series. Want to know what may be right for you? Ask us!

Since hiring Help-Now to run the IT for my company, I have not missed a night’s sleep worrying about our computer systems and what could ...
Maria P, Practice Administrator of Health Care Group